Copyright DMCA is a public resource that publishes daily music content for download and listening.

The administration of the resource does not exercise and is not responsible for controlling the placement of content on the site

All musical materials are taken from open sources, and some are added by the authors themselves to our resource for PR and recognition.

The administration is not responsible for the content. Free works are intended only for preliminary introductory listening. Copyright belongs to the authors. After listening to the songs, you must delete them from your computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device to which the file has been downloaded within the next 24 hours.

We are not the copyright holders of the content presented in the project, our project is just an "observation platform" for musical compositions. The aim of the project is to familiarize the listener with the whole range of musical creativity in order to form the listener's unique taste and auditory preferences and further independently purchase the compositions he likes in the official points of sale.

If you are the author of musical material and do not want to distribute them freely for downloading, listening or public demonstrations, please contact us immediately ( ) to resolve this issue.

The use of the content posted on our resource is permitted only for the purpose of familiarization. The project administration is not responsible for the quality and content of the posted musical content, but will always help you if the content posted by us is contrary to copyright law or any other legal acts.


1.Product details:1.1. Product name - Russian and English (if there is an English version).
1.2. Official product page on the Internet (if available). 
2. Information about the copyright holder:
2.1. FULL NAME.2.2. Mailing address.
2.3. Website of the copyright holder on the Internet.
2.4. License for the right to activity (if such activity is licensed in accordance with the procedure established by law).
2.5. Contact person of the copyright holder (full name, position, phone number, email). 
3. Claim data.
3.1. The address of the site page that contains links to infringing data. The link should look like //
3.2. A full description of the essence of the violation of rights (why the distribution of this information is prohibited by the Copyright Holder).

If you really are the copyright holder and object to your materials being on our site, we will delete all files and send you a report on the progress of the work.  

If you are a company that represents the copyright holder, you must provide the following documents:1. Number assigned to the product according to the state register. (Scan document)2. Power of attorney for the right to speak on behalf of one or another copyright holder!

ATTENTION! We do not control the actions of users who may re-post links to information that is the subject of your exclusive right. Any information on the site is posted by the user independently, without any control on anyone's part, which corresponds to the generally accepted world practice of posting information on the Internet. However, in any case, we will consider all your correctly formulated requests regarding links to information that violates your rights.

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